What club will you join? Get the party started and create your own anime styled characters and dress them up in your favorite fashion outfits! Choose from thousands of dresses, shirts, hairstyles, weapons, and much more! After designing your characters, enter the Studio and create any scene you can imagine! Add pets, objects, and choose your favorite background! Customization is 100% free, there are no in-app purchases! As soon as it is possible to enjoy it we will let you know about it right here.We understand the importance of finding the right Games app for your needs, which is why we are happy to give you Gacha Club by Lunime Inc. Playing Gacha Glitch Online unfortunately is not possible in browser or browser at the moment. The minimum requirements for Gacha Glitch Apk are to have a device with Android 5.0 system or higher and 123 MB of space. Currently the most updated version of Gacha Glitch is v1.0.0. Every time its update comes out we have to uninstall and reinstall the new version of the application on our device. This means that we have to be aware of any new update to keep up to date. Gacha Glitch, not being an official app but a mod app, currently does not have automatic installations. It offers 4 new mini-games with Gacha Club protagonist characters.Within the game modes, the shadows of corruption mode is a role-playing game in which Gacha Glitch characters will have to team up to fight in a battle.It has several game modes, among which are the following: story mode, training mode, tower mode and shadows of corruption mode.It has a studio mode that offers a colorful interface, besides being quite intuitive and easy to use if we have already played Gacha Club.

It offers a lot of new outfits, skirts, pants, shirts and novelty accessories to customize your OC’s.Some of the features of Gacha Glitch are:

Gacha Glitch is a video game with an aesthetic quite similar to Gacha Club, but this one has the difference that it includes a greater number of selectable features when it comes to customizing the characters. Download Gacha Glitch ➕Features of Gacha Glitch Mode